Jay Derard, the rising star of Haitian music

Jay Derard, the rising star of Haitian music

Born in Jérémie on October 4, Jay DERARD is a Singer, Composer who surfs on several musical trends including Dancehall, Rap, Blues and Reggae which according to him constitutes the central point of his musical production.

Passionate about languages, the artist plays with it to juggle with English, French, Creole, and Spanish to gratify us with texts containing everyday words, but spiced up in a way of saying a remarkable originality and very often with a sense of humor that leaves no doubt that he could quite well pursue a career in the sixth art if he wanted to. This is evidenced in particular by his dazzling passage within the group CRESCENDO to Jérémie.

Sympathetic, friend of everyone and able to offer a giggle and a very serious on the same stage according to his immediate entourage, The artist confides that he writes and sings his joie de vivre, his romanticism, his love for others and his desire to see the world moving forward.

And it’s not his new title “I’ll be there” that will contradict him. A masterpiece that delights many couples and fine music lovers, a perfect combination of a melancholy instrumental, lyrics to touch the least sensitive hearts and a voice that charms at the first word, The new piece that you absolutely need listen, listen and share.

The road is long and he has just taken an important step, he invites lovers of good music to join him on all networks on behalf of @JayDerard to be part of an adventure that promises to be wonderful.


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