The police determined to fight banditry

The police determined to fight banditry

An operation has begun since Thursday by agents of several specialized units of the National Police of Haiti. The objective was to dismantle the network of gangs operating in this area and restore the free circulation of vehicles at the level of the national route number 1.

Police officers have been on the ground since last weekend to track down the bandits armed with heavy weapons creating a climate of terror in various neighborhoods located in this vast slum.
Several bandits have already been mortally wounded in exchanges of gunfire and the Police is still pursuing its assault to put an end to the barbarism that these outlaws want to impose.

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The maisonettes serving as hideouts for the thugs, who have been trying for some time to take control of the north entrance of the capital, have been demolished by the heavy machinery unit of the PNH.

The National Police is determined to continue the fight against crime and banditry in the country and solicits the collaboration of the population in order to restore public order.


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