Bas-Artibonite: “Kokorat without rest” and “Baz Gran grif” kill and terrorize (FJKL Report)

Bas-Artibonite: “Kokorat without rest” and “Baz Gran grif” kill and terrorize (FJKL Report)

An unprecedented wave of violence is shaking the Bas-Artibonite region in Haiti, where more than 29 people have been brutally killed in the span of a month by the notorious armed gangs “Kokorat without rest” and “Baz Gran grif.” As the local population lives in fear and anguish, the Je Klere Foundation has expressed deep concern over the government’s complicit silence in the face of this alarming situation.

Residents of the towns of Petite-rivière, Liancourt, Verrettes, and l’Estère are living in a constant climate of terror. The criminals operating under the banners of “Kokorat without rest” and “Baz Gran grif” are committing barbaric acts, ranging from rapes to kidnappings and murders, leaving behind a trail of suffering and devastation.

The once peaceful streets of these communities are now infested with violence, with the alleys turning into lawless zones where human life holds no value. The Je Klere Foundation, a human rights defense organization, has strongly criticized the Haitian government for its inaction in the face of this security crisis ravaging the Bas-Artibonite region.

In a heartfelt statement, the organization denounced the authorities’ complicit silence, emphasizing that despite repeated calls to take action, the gangs continue to sow chaos with impunity. “The people of Bas-Artibonite deserve proper protection and security from their government,” stated the spokesperson of the Je Klere Foundation.

“Silence in the face of this inhuman violence is a betrayal to our fellow citizens who live in constant fear. We urge the authorities to take immediate and decisive measures to end this untenable situation.”


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