Jovenel Moise Case: Ariel Henry Summoned by the Investigating Judge!

Jovenel Moise Case: Ariel Henry Summoned by the Investigating Judge!

A significant milestone has been reached in the investigation concerning the tragic assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse, which occurred on July 7, 2021. Judge Walter W. Voltaire has issued an order, in accordance with Article 398 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CIC), summoning the current Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, to appear as a witness. This decision was conveyed to the Office of the Government Commissioner in Port-au-Prince just last Monday.

The summoning of Ariel Henry takes place within the context of an ongoing inquiry aiming to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the murder of the former head of state. Judge Voltaire has already issued similar summonses to other prominent figures who held significant roles within the Moïse administration.

Among the summonses already issued are those for Ricard Pierre, Minister of Planning, Michel Patrick Boisvert, Minister of Finance, Guito Edouard, Director General of the National Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Dinepa), Amos Zéphirin, Director General of the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities (MICT), as well as Jeantel Joseph, Director General of the National Agency for Development and Production (ANAP).

The order issued by Judge Walter W. Voltaire specifies that these individuals are being summoned as witnesses as part of his criminal investigation.


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