Haïti : Stalemate in Political Talks, Ongoing Tensions

Haïti : Stalemate in Political Talks, Ongoing Tensions

Political tensions in Haiti persist, plunging the country into a deadlock as talks between different factions remain at an impasse. The recent plenary meetings were marked by a significant silence from Prime Minister Ariel Henry, drawing sharp criticism from opposition members. Political observers describe the behavior during the first two sessions as inappropriate, casting doubt on the possibility of finding common ground.

Michel André, spokesperson for the December 21 agreement, vehemently rejected the proposed power-sharing arrangement put forth by the actors of the Kingston Declaration and the Group of Eminent Personalities in their framework project. Instead, Mr. Michel advocates for the formation of a national unity government under the leadership of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, accompanied by a Transition Council consisting of 5 members.

Mr. Michel’s proposal includes the participation of three current members of the High Transition Council, as well as two other personalities to be selected by opposition representatives. However, a point of contention persists as members of the Kingston Declaration insist on the immediate departure of Ariel Henry.

Negotiations are currently at a standstill, with the issue of the Prime Minister’s leadership at the heart of the disagreements. While Mr. Michel and his supporters argue for stability under Ariel Henry’s leadership, representatives of the Kingston Declaration assert that the Prime Minister’s departure is a prerequisite for any progress.

This delicate situation casts uncertainty over the resolution of political tensions in Haiti. Political actors are at an impasse, unable to overcome their differences to establish a transition government accepted by all parties.

The international community is closely monitoring the situation in Haiti with concern, urging all parties to show compromise and find peaceful solutions to lift the country out of this prolonged political crisis. Meanwhile, the Haitian population continues to bear the consequences of political instability, eagerly awaiting a resolution that is yet to materialize.


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