The confession of John Joel Joseph…

The confession of John Joel Joseph…

Former Haitian Senator John Joël Joseph has been sentenced to life imprisonment for his alleged role in a plot against President Jovenel Moïse. During his trial, Joseph pleaded his case by claiming that he was not seeking to kill the head of state but rather to hold him accountable for what he perceived as mismanagement of the country.

Before the court, John Joël Joseph laid out his version of events, explaining that when other mercenaries decided to physically eliminate the President, he couldn’t turn back, fearing for his own life. “Judge… have mercy on me!” he pleaded, expressing profound regrets and offering apologies to President Moïse and the entire Haitian people.

In his poignant statement, the former senator from the western region emphasized that this crime could have been avoided and should have been resolved peacefully through legal means. He insisted that his motivation was to hold the President accountable for his governance of the country rather than resorting to violent acts.


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