Start of meetings in Washington for the deployment of Kenyan forces in Haiti

Start of meetings in Washington for the deployment of Kenyan forces in Haiti

This Monday in Washington, crucial meetings have begun between Haitian, American, and Kenyan authorities aimed at finalizing the process leading to the deployment of Kenyan forces in Haiti in the coming days, according to information provided by the Police.

The main mission of this international force will be to provide essential support to the Haitian police forces in their fight against the gangs plaguing the country, creating a climate of widespread insecurity. This insecurity has had a devastating impact on the country’s stability and has seriously hindered preparations for the upcoming elections.

The Haitian delegation, present at these decisive meetings, includes notably the Director General of Police, Frantz Elbé, and the Minister of Justice, Emelie Prophète.

Their presence underscores the crucial importance of these discussions and the Haitian government’s full commitment to collaborating with the international community to find sustainable solutions to the current crisis.


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