Deadly Attack Shakes Community Between Mirebalais and Morne à Cabri

Deadly Attack Shakes Community Between Mirebalais and Morne à Cabri

Yesterday, Sunday, February 18th, a violent attack shook the region between Mirebalais and Morne à Cabri, leaving a heavy toll of 10 dead, including the well-known minibus driver nicknamed Ti Blanc.

According to initial reports, bandits intercepted the minibus as it was crossing the region. The precise circumstances of the attack remain unclear, but it appears that the criminals opened fire on the vehicle, killing several passengers on the spot.

Ti Blanc, a local figure, was identified among the victims. His loss has deeply shocked the community.

Trade unionists swiftly reacted to this tragedy, firmly denouncing this barbaric attack. In a statement, they expressed solidarity with the grieving families and called on the authorities to take immediate measures to ensure the safety of citizens in this area already plagued by violence.


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