An official vehicle, filled with ammunition, was intercepted near Bel Air

An official vehicle, filled with ammunition, was intercepted near Bel Air

On Thursday, February 8th. This marks the second vehicle bearing the official plate #OF 00038 to be intercepted by agents of the Intervention and Law Enforcement Corps (CIMO) in the area. Inside the vehicle, law enforcement discovered a variety of materials, including bags of ammunition and uniforms belonging to the Haitian National Police, along with other essential equipment.

This interception follows a series of operations aimed at dismantling criminal networks and recovering stolen or diverted goods. CIMO agents have put considerable effort into identifying and intercepting this vehicle, showcasing their dedication to public security and law enforcement.

The incident raises significant concerns about the security and integrity of public institutions, especially regarding the management and oversight of security resources and equipment. The discovery of Haitian National Police materials in an official vehicle raises questions about the potential misuse of authority and public resources for criminal purposes.


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