Transition Presidential Council Adopts Rotational Presidency

Transition Presidential Council Adopts Rotational Presidency

The Transitional Presidential Council (TPC) has opted for a rotating presidency to steer the nation through this delicate transition period. During an exceptional meeting held this Tuesday, the seven voting members of the TPC unanimously agreed on this innovative approach.

Edgard Leblanc, initially hesitant about the idea of a rotating presidency, has ultimately consented to this forward-thinking step. His acceptance to take the helm first illustrates the willingness to cooperate within the TPC, despite initial divergences.

According to the established plan, each council member will assume the presidency for a three-month period. After Edgard Leblanc, it will be Fritz Alphonse Jean’s turn to take on the presidential responsibilities. This regular rotation will ensure a balanced representation of different sensitivities and expertise within the TPC.


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