The Americans have tortured Haitian migrants because of their race, denounces Amnesty International

The Americans have tortured Haitian migrants because of their race, denounces Amnesty International

While they were in a detention center for migrants in Arizona, the American authorities separated Phillipe and Edeline from their newborn and did not see him again until they were transported in a bus, handcuffed and handcuffed, until the plane that took them away. .

Based on this testimony and 23 others, the organization Amnesty International denounces in a new report published on Thursday the maltreatment suffered by Haitian asylum seekers in what it qualifies as “racial torture” and a violation of international law.

“Our research offers numerous proofs that systemic racism is rooted in the American immigration system,” said the director of the organization for the Americas, Erika Guevara, according to a press release.

Since the middle of last year, the United States has seen an increase in the number of Haitians crossing the border with Mexico and seeking asylum in the country.

Between October 2021 and August 2022, some 50,000 migrants from the Caribbean were detained by US immigration authorities, according to government data.
The report details that cases like that of Phillipe and Edeline, where the parents were separated from their children, were not isolated and that the authorities even detained babies as young as nine and 14 months.

According to Amnesty International, Haitian migrants have not had access to sufficient food, health care or legal information during their confinement in border detention centers.

For its part, the organization denounces that all the people interviewed claim to have been handcuffed on the deportation flights or on the buses that transported them to the airport.


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