Injel Blanc – PAP Times | Haitian News – Haiti News – Port au Prince Times – Haiti Times – Times Haitian News – Haiti News – Port au Prince Times – Haiti Times - Times Thu, 23 Mar 2023 12:06:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Injel Blanc – PAP Times | Haitian News – Haiti News – Port au Prince Times – Haiti Times – Times 32 32 215424019 She is arrested for her relationship with Savien’s gag chief Thu, 23 Mar 2023 11:44:20 +0000 The Police inform that they have arrested the named Erline, in the Artibonite department, in particular in Liancourt, this Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at the level of Pont-Sondé.

According to the first information available to the Police, Erline would be one of the concubines of Luckson, the leader of the gang called Gran Grif, based in Savien.

Read also: Sexual abuse and rape – The named Difrance Gamby arrested by the Haitian police

Erline is the name of the young girl arrested by the police on Wednesday. She confessed that she was about to go to gang leader Luckson when the police apprehended her.

“For the moment, she is in custody. Note that the “Gran Grif” gang is involved in several cases of assassination and kidnapping.

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Sexual abuse and rape: The named Difrance GAMBY arrested by the Police Wed, 22 Mar 2023 13:02:22 +0000 Members of the Brigade for the Protection of Minors (BPM) arrested Difrance GAMBY. According to a note from the police institution, the latter was apprehended for his alleged involvement in the sexual abuse of more than a dozen minors, male, aged between 11 and 17 years old.

Read also: An association of magistrates regrets the strike of clerks

“The BPM and The Justice Department had received the complaint from the heads of the religious community known as the “Famille Kizito”, made up of several shelters for vulnerable children. By virtue of this complaint, the person named Difrance GAMBY, who works within this very institution, was denounced for sexually abusing and raping minors.”

Difrance GAMBY was summoned to the Justice Department, after his hearing and the confirmation of the facts of which he is accused, by the medical examinations required in the circumstances, the alleged rapist.

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A fake doctor arrested by the police Sat, 25 Feb 2023 16:12:21 +0000 A person posing as a professional doctor was arrested last Thursday in Cap-Haitien. Bendjy Chéry was arrested for breach of trust and fraud.

Bendjy Chéry pretended to be a doctor by issuing false medical papers to citizens. he also pretended to be a travel agent by receiving money in the hands of people to plan their trip to foreign countries.

He had been actively sought by the police since 2020, according to what the police institution reports, seventeen (17) complaints were filed against him by victims.

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Haiti-justice: Uncertified magistrates are prohibited from sitting Sat, 25 Feb 2023 00:53:53 +0000 On Thursday February 23, 2023, in a memorandum, the technical secretariat of the Superior Council of the Judiciary asks non-certified magistrates to deposit the robe and the hat.

“The Technical Secretariat of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, acting on the strict instructions of the Council, wishes to alert all the Heads of jurisdictions, in general and, in particular, those of the Courts of Appeal of Port-au-Prince and Les Cayes, the Courts of First Instance of Port-au-Prince, Croix-des-Bouquets, Les Cayes, Cap-Haïtien, Gonaïves, Fort-Liberté and Jacmel, including Magistrates under their respective jurisdictions are hit by non-certification. They are instructed to firmly prevent non-certified Magistrates from taking a seat or exercising any function within the Judiciary”, this is what can be read in the memorandum, a copy of which was sent to the newspaper of PAP-TIMES.

In the document which bears the signature of Jean Rober Constant, technical secretary, requires a follow-up report within a period not exceeding eight days

“The heads of jurisdictions concerned and expressly mentioned in the first paragraph are empowered to take all necessary measures or even seize the police, in the event of reluctance, for the purpose of recovering the rolling stock and other equipment still in the possession of non-certified Magistrates” .

Recall that, last month in a report, the The Technical Secretariat of the Superior Council of the Judiciary pinned 30 judges for lack of moral integrity, abuse of authority, among others.

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