Canada announces the arrival of armored vehicles in Port-au-Prince in the coming weeks

Canada announces the arrival of armored vehicles in Port-au-Prince in the coming weeks

The armored vehicles ordered by the national police in Canada will be delivered to Port-au-Prince in the coming weeks, according to the words of the Canadian ambassador to Haiti during an interview granted this Tuesday to Radio Magic- 9.

Sébastien Carrière confides that everything is ready for these materials to arrive in order to be able to better equip the Haitian police in the fight against banditry, in particular the gangs which sow terror almost throughout the country. This delay is due to a logistical problem at the level of the company, continued Mr. Carrière.

The international community has called for a truce in Haiti to allow the distribution of fuel and necessary goods, given the humanitarian crisis that the country is going through after the blockade by armed groups of the main oil terminal


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