Former Minister Aviol Fleurant Accused of Hiding Massive Funds

Former Minister Aviol Fleurant Accused of Hiding Massive Funds

Former Haitian Minister Aviol Fleurant and his wife are facing serious allegations of concealing substantial funds across 16 different bank accounts, with a total amount exceeding one hundred million gourdes. This activity allegedly took place between March 2016 and December 2018.

According to investigations conducted by the Anti-Corruption Unit (ULCC), the couple initially claimed to have only three bank accounts. However, the probe revealed the existence of 13 additional accounts, where significant deposits were made, raising serious questions about the origin of these funds.

The findings brought to light by the ULCC are considered extremely serious and have prompted calls for immediate legal action against Aviol Fleurant. This case further highlights the deep-rooted corruption plaguing the highest levels of the Haitian government.

In what appears to be a defense strategy, information reaching our newsroom suggests that the former minister is currently consulting with members of the press to promote a narrative that these funds originated from his law firm. This move seems intended to divert attention and downplay the severity of the accusations against him.

The public now eagerly awaits to see whether the Haitian justice system will act with the necessary rigor to address this case or if, like so many other corruption scandals, it will be buried in impunity.


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