Gilbert Bigio, Reynol Deeb and Sherif Abdallah sanctioned by Canada

Gilbert Bigio, Reynol Deeb and Sherif Abdallah sanctioned by Canada

“The Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honorable Mélanie Joly, today announced that Canada will impose additional sanctions, under the Special Economic Measures (Haiti) Regulations, in response to the unacceptable conduct of members of the elite Haitians who provide illicit financial and operational support to armed gangs. can we read in the press release of the global affairs of Canada, this Monday, December 5, 2022.

These latest sanctions target 3 very prominent members of Haiti’s economic elite — Gilbert Bigio, Reynol Deeb and Sherif Abdallah — and impose a ban on transactions, which will have the effect of freezing any assets they may hold in Canada .
According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada has reason to believe that these people are using their status in the country to protect and enable the illegal activities of armed criminal gangs, including through money laundering and other acts of corruption.

This communiqué states that the sanctions imposed by Canada are intended to put pressure on those responsible for the current violence and instability in the country. These people must stop providing funds and weapons to criminal gangs in Haiti.
The Canadian government says it encourages all stakeholders to support real progress towards a political agreement that will lead to an inclusive and constructive dialogue, and an end to the current crisis. This is the only way to help create the necessary environment for a return to stability, public order and democracy in Haiti, explained Ms. Mélanie Joly.

According to the Minister, Canada plays a leading role in sanctioning members of the economic and political elite in order to prevent them from supporting gangs that commit acts of violence against the Haitian people. “Canada calls on the community to follow its example and impose sanctions on gangs and their supporters to help the people of Haiti emerge from this crisis and restore peace and security in their country. said Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.


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