Health Minister Facing Imminent Reprimand

Health Minister Facing Imminent Reprimand

A new director was appointed yesterday, Monday, to lead the Departmental Directorate of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) in Artibonite, despite warnings from the Prime Minister. This appointment takes place amid growing tensions within the public administration, exacerbated by what could be perceived as a direct challenge to the authority of the head of government.

According to information obtained by our editorial team, the Prime Minister has reportedly already decided to reprimand the Minister of Health, Georges Fils Brignol, for failing to adhere to government directives. A letter of reprimand, a severe administrative sanction within the state hierarchy, is expected to be delivered to the minister this week, according to a well-informed source.

This same source indicated that appointments made without the explicit approval of the Prime Minister are now considered null and void. The Prime Minister, intent on reasserting his authority, also specified that any individual accepting a leadership position without his approval will never be confirmed in their role, leaving the future of this new director in Artibonite in doubt.


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