Montrouis Community Takes Bold Stand, Ends Reign of Criminal Leader Tibòkò

Montrouis Community Takes Bold Stand, Ends Reign of Criminal Leader Tibòkò

The community of Montrouis took decisive action yesterday to put an end to the criminal activities of the notorious gang leader Tibòkò in Piatre. Known for his violent acts and numerous offenses, Tibòkò faced public anger and was lynched on January 13.

For several years, Tibòkò led a criminal organization responsible for numerous deaths in the region. His primary targets were public transport drivers and “Madan Sara,” courageous women engaged in informal trade at local markets. Montrouis residents had endured a prolonged period of fear due to his criminal activities.

Tibòkò’s arrest occurred at one of his concubines’ residences in “Nan Mango.” With the support of the determined local population, law enforcement successfully captured the criminal, bringing an end to an era of terror that had plagued the city.

Residents of Montrouis expressed relief and satisfaction with this resolution. “It’s a triumph against crime,” said one inhabitant. The collaboration between the local community and authorities proved pivotal to this success.


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