RED and Historic Compromise Defend Smith Augustin Amid Legal Accusations

RED and Historic Compromise Defend Smith Augustin Amid Legal Accusations

During a press conference held on Wednesday in Pétion-Ville, the political groups RED and Compromis Historique reaffirmed their strong support for Smith Augustin, a key figure in the presidential council. “We are confident that Smith Augustin has done nothing illegal and violated no laws,” declared the leaders of both groups with conviction.

In light of the accusations against Augustin, RED and Compromis Historique underscored the principle of presumed innocence. They stressed that justice must take its proper course and warned that any hasty actions could harm not only their representative but also the credibility of the judiciary. “We trust in our country’s legal system and will maintain this trust until the truth comes to light,” they asserted.

The leaders of both organizations also expressed concern over the potential fallout of a rushed judgment. In their view, giving in to public pressure without solid evidence would be unjust and could set a dangerous precedent for the nation’s institutions. “Acting on unproven allegations against Smith Augustin would create a precedent we would all regret,” they warned.


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