Rising Tensions: Ohio’s Haitian Community Confronts Defamation Campaign

Rising Tensions: Ohio’s Haitian Community Confronts Defamation Campaign

As tensions rise, Haitians living in Ohio are grappling with a growing defamation campaign that has fostered suspicion and stigmatization. Unfounded accusations, circulating through local media and social networks, have disrupted the community and complicated efforts toward integration.

In response, the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad has launched an initiative to provide stronger support to Ohio’s Haitian community. Minister Dominique Dupuy plans to meet with Haitian organizations in the state to listen to their concerns and address the ongoing smear campaign. This initiative, led by the minister’s office, aims to give the Haitian diaspora a voice and help them navigate these difficult times.

The ministry stressed that its key goal is to strengthen solidarity among Haitians in Ohio and offer increased assistance as they face these challenges.


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