United Nations Day, the UN still hopes for peace in the world

United Nations Day, the UN still hopes for peace in the world

The United Nations was born out of hope. The hope, and the will, after the Second World War, to move from a global conflict to global cooperation. Today, our organization is being tested like never before.

But it was precisely for such circumstances that it was created. More than ever, we must bring the values ​​and principles of the Charter of the United Nations to life throughout the world.
By giving peace a chance and ending the conflicts that endanger lives, hazard the future and undermine global progress.

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By working to end extreme poverty, reduce inequality and save the Sustainable Development Goals. By protecting our planet, including weaning ourselves off fossil fuels and starting a renewable energy revolution.

Finally, by rebalancing the balance in favor of women and girls in terms of equal opportunities and freedom, and guaranteeing human rights for all.

On this United Nations Day, let us reiterate our hope and our conviction that humanity can achieve great things when it works in a spirit of collaboration and global solidarity.

  • António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations


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