Inauguration of a medical unit for employees of the industrial park of the metropolitan area

Inauguration of a medical unit for employees of the industrial park of the metropolitan area

The Director of the Office of Occupational Accidents, Sickness and Maternity Insurance proceeded on Friday to the inauguration of a Medical Unit at the National Company of Industrial Parks.

This ceremony was held in the presence of several high dignitaries, including the Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, the Director of Industrial Parks, Pétrix Justin and the Special Labor Mediator of the clothing industry, Dithny Joan Raton.

Speaking on this occasion, the Director of Industrial Parks commended the efforts of the Director General of the Office of Occupational Accidents, Sickness and Maternity Insurance, Dr. Carl François for having facilitated access to health care for textile workers and their dependents.

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For his part, the holder of the Office has shown the interest of his administration for the insured, because, he says, the first mission of the institution he heads is to support the insured. A staff of 66 people will be responsible for running this center, according to Dr. Carl François. All basic services are available there such as Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, General Consultation, Laboratory among others.

Finally, the Prime Minister, in his speech, congratulated Dr. Carl Fracois for his dynamism at the head of this institution. “The redevelopment of the Medical Unit of the National Company of Industrial Parks is part of the government’s social protection systems to better meet the needs of workers and their dependents”, we quote Dr. Ariel Henry.


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