The SPNH-17 launches an offensive against corruption within the Police

The SPNH-17 launches an offensive against corruption within the Police

In a determined effort to eradicate corruption within the National Police, the Syndicate of the National Police of Haiti (SPNH-17) has taken significant steps by filing a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Unit (ULCC). This bold initiative aims to highlight various troubling aspects, demonstrating SPNH-17’s commitment to the integrity and credibility of the Police.

Among the issues raised by the union, the use of debit cards within the Police is closely scrutinized. Serious concerns have been expressed regarding potential abuse or misappropriation of funds related to these cards. SPNH-17 calls for a thorough investigation to ensure transparency in the use of the police’s financial resources.

Another major concern is the alleged diversion of risk premiums by hierarchical officials within the PNH. The union urges the relevant authorities to carefully examine these allegations and take corrective measures to ensure the fair distribution of benefits to personnel.

Furthermore, SPNH-17 points out anomalies in the allocation and use of fuel vouchers within the PNH. These vouchers, essential for the smooth operation of operations, are the subject of a request for an investigation to ensure transparent management of the police’s energy resources.

Finally, the union is concerned about possible cases of corruption related to the purchase of materials such as armored vehicles, weapons, and ammunition. SPNH-17 emphasizes the crucial importance of acquiring these equipment for public safety and calls for a rigorous verification of procurement procedures to eliminate any suspicion of malpractice.


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