Ariel Henry sets conditions for the holding of the next elections

Ariel Henry sets conditions for the holding of the next elections

During his address to the nation on Sunday evening, the Haitian Prime Minister once again reiterated the desire to organize elections in order to provide the country with new elected officials and allow the normal functioning of institutions.

Ariel Henry speaks of elections without giving the necessary guarantee for the organization of these contests. “By the end of this year the country will be in electoral mode to allow all those who want to take the direction of the affairs of the State to participate in a free and transparent competition”, declared the PM.

However, the head of government said that this situation will only be possible if the national police receive the appropriate training and the necessary equipment.

A sentence that left observers speechless, because this condition set by Ariel Henry to achieve the organization of electoral competitions, must be guaranteed by the government. For more than one, the head of the Superior Council of the National Police, has the mission to provide the Haitian police with the necessary means so that it can respond to its mission which is to guarantee the safety of all citizens.

By evoking this condition, it goes without saying that the Prime Minister does not intend to organize elections for a return to democratic and constitutional order.


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