Closure of the Luckner Désir case: A victory for the Press

Closure of the Luckner Désir case: A victory for the Press

On September 14th, Luckner Désir was once again summoned by the Prosecutor’s Office of Port-au-Prince. During this meeting, attorney Edler Guillaume conducted a thorough interrogation that led to a crucial decision: the Luckner Désir case has been closed, ending a period of uncertainty.

This news was greeted with immense relief by Luckner Désir, who sees it as a significant victory for press freedom in Haiti. In a country where journalists regularly face threats and pressure due to their courageous work, this decision reinforces the fundamental principle that the voice of the media must be protected and respected.

In the aftermath of this decision, Luckner Désir expressed his gratitude to all those who supported him throughout this ordeal. He reaffirmed his commitment to free and independent journalism, emphasizing the ongoing need to preserve freedom of expression and the press in Haiti.

The closure of this case thus marks a step forward in the struggle for a more open and democratic media environment in the country.


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