Mirebalais under the grip of terror

Mirebalais under the grip of terror

A climate of terror and insecurity has engulfed the peaceful city of Mirebalais, following the immolation of an alleged bandit by members of the population this Tuesday. This individual is accused of belonging to the armed group that recently attacked the University Hospital of the city, marking the most recent episode in a series of tragic events shaking the region.

Since the previous Friday, the town of Saut-d’Eau, located near Mirebalais, has been besieged by criminals, resulting in the death of more than a dozen people and plunging the community into a deep state of fear and chaos.

Local authorities currently appear overwhelmed by the magnitude of the situation and the escalation of violence. The attack on the University Hospital of Mirebalais, which occurred on Monday evening, marked a critical moment in this series of tragic events rocking the region.


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