6 individuals arrested and goods seized by the Bon Repos Police

6 individuals arrested and goods seized by the Bon Repos Police

Following information in possession of the National Police of Haiti (PNH), the Bon Repos Police apprehended, this Sunday, August 13, 2023, on National Route #9, six (6) individuals aboard a Canter containing goods, including auto parts, an engine, and a radiator. These goods originated from Canaan 50. These individuals are:

  1. Evens Destiné, the alleged owner of these goods, aged 29, and originally from Port-à-Piment, Department of the South;
  2. Stanley Baptiste, aged 34, and originally from Jérémie, Department of Grand’Anse;
  3. Pierre Lenès, aged 29, and originally from Jérémie, Department of Grand’Anse;
  4. Stevens Fred Iverson, aged 22, and originally from Delmas. He is the driver of this white Canter, Isuzu NPR brand, registered: TP-18917.
  5. Romario Antoine, aged 34, and originally from Port-au-Prince;
  6. Jonsen Fab, aged 18, and originally from Mirebalais, Department of the Center. It should be noted that through Evens Destiné’s phone, the alleged owner of these goods, telephone conversations and other evidence proving his affiliation with the Canaan gang were found. For now, they are being held in custody pending necessary legal proceedings.


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