Syndicalists Call for Prioritizing Motorists in Fuel Deliveries

Syndicalists Call for Prioritizing Motorists in Fuel Deliveries

Terminal Varreux, a pivotal fuel distribution center in Haiti, has announced substantial fuel deliveries over the past weekend. According to data released by the terminal, a total of 758,450 gallons of gasoline and 400,800 gallons of diesel were disbursed on May 2nd and 3rd.

This announcement comes against the backdrop of a steady increase in fuel demand within the country, driven by various economic sectors and the growing needs of motorists. However, despite these sizable deliveries, some union representatives have voiced concerns regarding the equitable distribution of fuel.

Syndicate officials have underscored that gas station owners must prioritize motorists when selling fuel. They insist that the needs of ordinary citizens, who rely on fuel for their daily commutes, should be taken into account before any other considerations.


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