The Haitian State Lottery condemns the assassination of Eric Jean Baptiste

The Haitian State Lottery condemns the assassination of Eric Jean Baptiste

The General Directorate of the Haitian State Lottery condemns with the utmost rigor the heinous assassination perpetrated by heavily armed men in the Laboule area on the night of October 28 to 29 against the man of affairs, secretary general of the Rassemblement Démocrates Nationaux Progressistes and a major player in the gambling sector in Haiti, Mr. Eric Jean Baptiste.

A symbol of community solidarity and mutual aid, the apostle of dialogue and living together, a man of great conviction, a great builder and a progressive man, a fervent defender of national sovereignty, a humanist and altruist, Mr. Eric Jean Baptiste has always shown his critical position vis-à-vis the heavy and dark forces that have bereaved Haitian families for ages.

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The General Management, struck by consternation and amazement, presents its condolences, the most moved to the family of the deceased, his wife and his children and also to his relatives, his comrades and political allies, in particular the members of the executive board of the RDNP.

The general management of the Haitian State Lottery (LEH) prays the great architect of the universe in his mercy to receive in his home the regret who suddenly disappeared under the conditions that we know.


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